重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅
重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅
重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅
重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅
重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅

重要文化財 旧笹川家住宅じゅうようぶんかざい きゅうささがわけじゅうたく


The residence of Sasagawa

The Sasagawa Family, a branch of the Takeda samurai clan
and the official that governed several villages, had lived
in this illustrious mansion for 14 generations


  • 国重要文化財


 This grand residence, one of the largest in Japan for a village headman at the time, was the headquarters of the Murakami Domain that spanned eight villages during the early modern period. The view of the front yard, the majestic drawing room, the hall with its high wooden-frame ceiling, the mud walls and decorative sliding doors, as well as the many storehouses all splendidly embody the construction style typical of the snowy regions and vividly convey the clout of the village headmen who played a crucial role in the development of the region over several generations.

  • 住所:新潟県新潟市南区味方216
  • TEL:025-372-3006
  • 入館料:一般500円 小・中学生300円 ※土日祝日は小中学生無料
  • 休館日:月曜日(休日の場合は翌日)・休日の翌日(土曜日が休日の場合は火曜日)・12/28~1/3
  • 開館時間:9時~17時(最終入館16時10分)
  • URL:https://www.city.niigata.lg.jp/minami/shisetsu/yoka/bunka/kyusasagawake.html



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and Traditional Buildings in Niigata