新潟市 旧齋藤家別邸
新潟市 旧齋藤家別邸
新潟市 旧齋藤家別邸
新潟市 旧齋藤家別邸

新潟市 旧齋藤家別邸にいがたし きゅうさいとうけべってい

港町新潟の 繁栄を物語る 豪商の迎賓館

The Niigata Saito Villa

A villa designed to entertain guests of a wealthy magnate, this building paints a picture of the prosperity of Niigata’s port


  • 国指定名勝


 The famous businessman Saito Kijuro IV built this villa to accommodate his guests. It is built with a sense of building-garden unity, and each room overlooks a beautiful garden colored with seasonal nature. The pre-war Japanese traditional style architecture and beautiful garden are the precious cultural heitege,
which paints a wonderful picture of the life of the wealthy merchants
who prospered in the port city of Niigata.

  • 新潟市中央区西大畑町576番地
  • 電話:025-210-8350
  • 入館料:◇一般300円 ◇小中学生100円 ※土日祝日は小中学生無料
  • http://saitouke.jp/


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and Traditional Buildings in Niigata